What it was:
Session on Leadership and personal brand at Ashridge as part of Future Leaders Scheme residential module one. August 2017.
What I learned:
Your real leadership brand is what other people say about you when you leave the room.
Leadership brand has various Attributes:
- Contacts (judged on who you associate with)
- Story
- Appearance (image you project)
- Presence
- Behaviour (collaboration)
- Purpose
- Values
- Talents (what are you famous for)
To consider:
- What is the source of your authority? Why should anyone be led by you?
- What do you expect of others?
- What stories do you want other people to be telling about you?
- What type of leader do you want to be remembered as (legacy)?
If you’re not constantly evaluating these sorts of things, you are potentially dangerous!
In the book “Why should anyone be led by you” they examined “what do followers want?”
- Community (feel part of something)
- Authenticity (not a robot leader)
- Significance (something that matters)
- Excitement (new and interesting)
What I will aim to do differently as a result:
- I will try to develop (write down) my leadership brand
- I will read: “why should anyone be led by you”