What it was:
An exercise to measure ourselves against the Strength Deployment Inventory (SDI) model (aka ‘red green blue triangle’) as part of the Future Leaders Scheme at Ashridge in November 2017.
What I learned:
I came out of the SDI exercise as red (“asserting / directing”) but close to red-green (judicious / competing) and the hub (flexible / cohering). Under stress or pressure I move to the hub.
I recognised all three in me, but perhaps the hub most of all
Your self-perception is based on your motivation, which form as intentions, which in turn express as behaviours.
Other people’s perceptions of you are the other way round – they are based on your behaviour, which expresses your intentions, driven by your inner motivation (which other people can’t see!)
What I will aim to do differently as a result:
- Learn more about what I can do with SDI
- Recognise when people are moving along their long vectors, it should be obvious they are stressed.
- Note that for people with short vectors, it may not be obvious they are stressed, I may need to come to them to see if they need support
- Always maintain healthy scepticism of SDI and similar personality models!